5 Online Reputation Management Tips to Avoid Problems!

Having a good online presence isn’t an exclusive privilege for large enterprises anymore. With as many as 95% of consumers reading online reviews for local businesses, small companies also have to pay attention to their digital reputation.

That said, learning how to properly manage your online image can be difficult. Besides the fact that you may not even have opened any profiles, you also have to understand the way consumers behave online.

Managing a local company’s online reputation may take time, but it doesn’t have to be all bad. As a matter of fact, racking up good reviews and creating a positive image for your local business can increase your credibility

This, in turn, can make you a crowd favourite and reel in more foot traffic through the front door.

Why Does Online Reputation Matter?

Local businesses have survived through word of mouth for centuries. With this in mind, 91% of people under the age of 35 trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation. 

Having a good online reputation with plenty of reviews is like having a group of satisfied customers vouching for your service. Unfortunately, this also applies the other way around, so having a bad name can damage the financial side of your business. Companies are adopting new ways to reward their employees and customers for better online branding, showing how important it is to maintain a good image for anyone who is involved or interacts with your business.

By monitoring your online presence, you’ll make sure that potential customers have a positive image of your company.

5 Online Reputation Management Tips that Help Prevent Problems

Managing your digital reputation is a great way to proactively seek the benefits of a positive online presence. But, finding the best way to control your reputation may not always be easy, especially if you’re not technologically savvy. 

Below, we’ve listed some tips to help manage your online reputation and prevent potential issues.

Target Any and All Relevant Channels

The internet has come a long way since its early days. Today, this ecosystem consists of websites, apps, social media platforms, and other channels that users occupy on a regular basis.

Having a good presence means that you have a good image wherever your audience is present. Identify the channels they use the most and make sure you target these above all others.

Showcase Your Brand and Products as Well

Although having fun and entertaining content can add personality, it should never be the main focus on your digital channels. Instead, you should display your top products and use virtual channels as a branding tool for your company. 

And, you can even produce videos and rich imagery that highlights the quality and features you have to offer.

Bolster the Presence of Your Company Leaders

The leaders within your company should also have a good digital presence. This will give your company more credibility and make your team members accessible to the average consumer. Keep in mind that you should follow the same protocol as with your company page in order to maintain a jovial appearance.

Share Your Knowledge Through a Blog

It’s common to find potential customers who want to know exactly how you do what you do. In these cases, sharing your knowledge via a blog can help cement your position as one of the best local businesses in your area. You can even post blogs designed to showcase specific pieces that you’ve worked on before.

Interact with your Online Audience & Avoid Arguments

Participating in forums and other platforms that allow you to answer questions will also show your local audience that you’re knowledgeable and active. You should look at local directors and virtual community boards and address topics that relate to your industry.

Just remember to veer away from arguments as getting involved in a heated discussion with a consumer or competitor will not do your brand any favours.

Get Expert Advice & Mentoring Services for Business

Whether your business needs assistance in sales, business development, general P&L management, or others, LongBow Digital has the right know-how and experience to drive results for your business.

Get in touch with us to find out how your business can grow and thrive amongst your competitors in the industry. 

Author’s Bio 

Kym Wallis, the founding director of Higher Ranking has over 15 years of advertising sales, digital strategy, and business development experience. He is currently working as Digital Adviser for iChoose Gift Cards.